Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wisdom Tooth Removal Will Relieve You from Pain

The third molar teeth that usually appear between the ages of 15 to 25 are known as wisdom teeth. It is fascinating to find out why these are called the wisdom teeth. They are called wisdom teeth as these teeth appear at an age when people are supposed to be more mature and wiser. Often, the eruption of wisdom teeth causes problems and a lot of pain. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe that surgery is required for wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom tooth removal in Sydney can help you get rid of pain and live the life you used to. If you are one of those who have not yet experienced any issues when the wisdom tooth erupted, you are probably among the luckiest people. You just have to question someone who has gone through the pain to know what to expect if you are about to encounter a problem like this.

How to Get Rid of the Pain?

Wisdom tooth removal in Sydney can be easily done with the help of a reputed dentist. You just need to identify the dentist who can do the work without any hassles. Anyone with a painful wisdom tooth erupting would like to take care of this through a method that is hassle free. Most people develop wisdom teeth, but there are cases when people do not develop these teeth at all. It is a rare condition, though. The eruption of wisdom teeth becomes problematic when the teeth do not find enough space to develop at the back of the mouth. If not properly treated, the eruption of wisdom teeth can cause some real problems. Wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney can be very affordable.

What Do Dentists Advise?

Dentists recommend that whenever there is a problem while the wisdom teeth are erupting, the only solution is the surgical removal of the tooth. In other words, wisdom tooth removal is the answer to take care of all the problems that can appear while it is erupting. When the wisdom tooth cannot develop properly, due to the lack of space at the back of the mouth, swelling, infection, pain, and soreness of the gum appear. It furthermore causes infection to the teeth, especially around the portion of the jaw. It leads to the jaw becoming swollen and stiff. Some dentists prescribe antibiotics for this issue. However, you must realise that antibiotic relief is only temporary. The best option remains to look for a treatment that offers a permanent solution. The best option is wisdom tooth removal.

How Wisdom Tooth Removal Takes Place?

For wisdom tooth removal, the patient is administered a local anaesthesia. As soon as the anaesthesia takes effect, the process is ready to start. The dentist makes a small incision in the gum where the wisdom tooth is erupting. This way, the tooth is lifted out. Stitches are afterward done on the gum, and it is left to heal for a while.

If you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to Prepare Yourself for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth is common everywhere and can be quite troublesome. Having said that, wisdom teeth removal also requires a great deal of time for recovery. The process of extraction can be difficult if your teeth have been impacted much. Enough preparation is required before oral surgery to make sure you recover faster. Here’s how you could be prepared for tooth extraction.

1.    It is necessary to bring someone with you to the surgeon’s office not just for moral support, but also due to the fact that you would be given enough medication during the procedure. You will receive anaesthesia depending on the number of teeth that requires to be extracted. Post-surgery, you might need someone to drive you back home due to the effects of medication.

2.    Do not drink or eat anything the night before surgery. To keep your body strong, eat healthy diet a week before wisdom teeth removal. Having Vitamin C and calcium supplements can give your immune system a boost.

3.    It is important to thoroughly brush your teeth the night before wisdom teeth removal. This is because proper brushing and flossing will not be possible for days or weeks after surgery. Therefore, you must make sure to have your teeth completely clean prior to surgery.

4.    Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes such as pyjamas or sweatpants to your surgery. Bring slippers with you as you won’t be allowed to wear sneakers or shoes. Do not wear contact lenses as your eyes will remain closed during surgery.

5.    Plan ahead your diet. Your diet must include those foods that require little to no chewing. Beverages that have nutritional value, and foods that are easy to prepare and rich in vitamins or proteins make up an ideal diet during recovery. Make sure not to use straw for sipping beverages as they can adversely impact the surgical area.

6.    Surgeons might also recommend you to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide on the night before wisdom teeth removal procedure. Mix 1 part water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide, swish for a minute and spit out. Rinse with water subsequently. Hydrogen peroxide is effective in preventing infection by getting rid of harmful bacteria.

7.    Follow any antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medicinal prescriptions as recommended by your surgeon, few days prior to wisdom teeth removal. You might also be given sedatives to reduce anxiety on the day of surgery.

8.    You shall expect your surgeon to ask you about your present medications and general health. This will help them take necessary precautions and measures to shield you from possible side effects and other problems.

Most patients are terrified about wisdom teeth removal procedure. By consulting your surgeon for having enough awareness about the procedure and by following the aforesaid preparation methods, it will be possible for you to cope with it much easier.

If you are looking for Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Friday, April 1, 2016

Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars appearing on each side of the upper and lower jaws. They usually appear during the late teens or the early twenties and are commonly the final set of teeth to erupt. Wisdom teeth often create problems that involve pain and when it reaches an unbearable state, they ought to be removed. It can’t be denied that making diet sacrifices, though temporarily after surgery is heartbreaking But here’s the good news: There’s still a few of your favourites that will help you through recovery! Here are 6 recommended delicious cuisines that you can have post wisdom teeth removal.

1.    Applesauce

Applesauce that has a soft, pureed texture of its own makes it an ideal dish after wisdom teeth removal. Applesauce is rich in vitamin C & dietary fibre, which means it’s healthy too. Being a soft food, it can be chewed easily and doesn’t require much jaw movement. Use fresh ingredients to make a delicious applesauce and you are good to go.

2.    Ice Cream

Yes! It is indeed good to treat yourself with your favourite flavour of ice cream post wisdom teeth removal. However, stick to soft-serve ice creams rather than regular ones. Ice cream helps soothe inflamed tissues and fastens the healing process! Be warned, it is wise to avoid crunchy and dessert ice creams as they would strain your jaws and may even create infections.

3.    Jell-O & Pudding

Jell-O & pudding are often easy to eat and comes in different flavours and are often the choicest ones to tickle your taste buds post wisdom teeth removal. Opt for ready-to-cook ones that come in packets, so that you can cook them easier and faster. They also have the advantage of increased refrigeration or shelf-life.

4.    Soup

For wisdom teeth removal patients, broth-based soups are the best for pain relief. Having a few spoons of soup can provide you immense protein and they are best alternative to sugar. You can maintain a healthy diet throughout the recovery period by having them from time to time. Some recommended soups after surgery include tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, beef broth and cream of celery soup, all of which that doesn’t require much chewing.

5.    Yogurt

Yogurt has a light and smooth consistency, making them ideal for wisdom teeth removal patients. Creamy yogurts with lemon or strawberry flavours are not just tasty but healthy too as they are good source of nutrients. Keep away yogurts with granola or any added ingredients that needs to be chewed.

6.    Milkshakes or Smoothies

Smoothies and milkshakes are delicious, easy to eat snack especially for wisdom teeth removal patients. They have enough proteins and nutrients to keep you charged throughout the day. Add fresh and seedless fruits like banana to keep them healthy and tasty. Blend these ingredients with yogurt and ice for a healthy smoothie. Have them the way you want, but ensure that you don’t consume them using a straw as the pressure exerted can impact the healing site.

With these great diets that are fun to have, there’s no reason for you to be disheartened about wisdom teeth removal. Has your favourite made it to the above list? Let us know!

If you are looking for Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Best Tips for a Smooth Recovery after Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Removal of wisdom teeth is beneficial for patients in the long run as the procedure can eliminate problems namely tumours, infections, cysts and others. Being a surgical procedure, patients must go through a recovery period post-surgery. Appropriate self-techniques have to be followed after wisdom teeth removal surgery to prevent further complications in the future.

1.    One of the common conditions encountered by patients is dry sockets. When blood clots fail to form a protective barrier, pain can develop. To control this situation, patients may avoid using straws or give up on cigarettes until full recovery.

2.    The possibilities of infections are high after wisdom teeth removal. Oral surgeons prescribe a course of antibiotic, which when followed lets you stay protected from any sort of infections.

3.    Keeping your mouth clean after wisdom teeth extraction is essential. After surgery, do rinse your mouth gently and regularly. When you get the nod for brushing your teeth, start with gentle brushing techniques to prevent any bleeding.

4.    Age is also a dependant factor for recovery. Older people would have to go through longer recovery period after surgery. This is why most oral surgeons recommend everyone to have their wisdom teeth extracted before they hit 25.

Following the prescribed medications suggested by oral surgeons and getting along with few lifestyle changes after wisdom teeth removal, will help you easily get through the recovery period. Oral surgeons will also help you on proper brushing and flossing techniques to be followed to prevent bleeding & infections.

If you are looking for experienced oral surgeons in Sydney to remove wisdom teeth at affordable rates, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading day surgery clinic in Sydney specialising in Wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or call 1300 260 677

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Top Recovery Tips to Follow Post Oral Surgery

Once oral surgery is done, things don’t end up there. Your body will require adequate time to recover and restore back to a healthy state. After oral surgery, necessary care has to be taken to prevent bleeding and infections. Here are such essential recovery tips provided by the best oral surgeons.

1.    Gum swelling: It is normal to see swelling in gums after surgery.  Place an ice pack on the outside of the surgical area 24 hours post-surgery to prevent or control swelling. You may also experience bruising and muscle stiffness during this time.

2.    Bleeding: You might encounter bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction procedures. Biting on moist black tea bag can be very helpful in controlling bleeding. Oral surgeons also offer tips to control bleeding as well.

3.    Period of Inactivity: It is important to have enough rest during the first two days after surgery. You should not resume or proceed with your routine activities until your surgeon grants you permission for the same.

4.    Smoking & Alcohol Consumptions: Smoking can delay the process of healing, hence oral surgeons suggest you not to smoke or consume alcohol for at least one day after surgery.

5.    Proper Dental Hygiene: Brushing and flossing should be done very gently, especially during the initial 24 hours after surgery. Be informed, intense spitting or rinsing can develop bleeding. Use saline or saltwater for rinsing after 24 hours to keep your incision clean.

6.    Medication: Follow medications as prescribed by your surgeon for a speedy recovery. Even if you notice that your symptoms have gone away soon, do not fail to follow the entire prescription.

Follow these tips as suggested by expert oral surgeons to easily survive through the recovery period. If you are looking for experienced oral surgeons in Sydney, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading day surgery clinic in Sydney specialising in Wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or call 1300 260 677

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Considerations to Choose the Best Oral Surgeon in Sydney

A visit to the dentist usually creates fears and bad memories about painful dental experiences. Researchers have found that millions of people fail to get necessary dental care because they're afraid to go to the dentist. On the other hand, some oral surgeons in Sydney employs advanced dental care procedures to overcome your fear of the dental chair.

While coming to the point of wisdom teeth removal, choosing the right dental surgeon is an important task which should not be compromised. Here is a list of simple tips to choose the best oral surgeon in Sydney.

Experience and expertise is the top most factors to be considered while choosing a dental surgeon. General dentist is capable of performing simple extraction procedure but only an experienced dental surgeon can ensure 100% safe removal.

To understand the depth of the infection, some complex cases of infected wisdom teeth may require CT scans and x-rays. An ideal dental clinic should offer a great facility for the dental surgeon to perform the wisdom teeth removal procedure to ensure a perfect oral health for its patients.

A quality oral surgeon should have completed specific courses and received several awards and accreditations in their specialised areas from the leading associations. This assures patients that they are in the well experienced hands to tackle their dental problem.

Moreover, a professional dental surgeon should be able to prioritise a treatment schedule that helps his patients to distinguish problems needing immediate attention from those that are less urgent. Also, understand the fees, method and schedule of payment before accepting the treatment procedure.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Take Care Tips after Wisdom Teeth Removal

When those third molars begin to affect your oral health having them removed is the smartest decision you can ever make! If you are about to remove your wisdom teeth then don’t get panic. Here are a few aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing following wisdom teeth removal.

•    Start your recovery procedure before the surgery. Talk to your dentist and discuss about the general guidelines that you should follow after wisdom tooth extraction.

•    Watch what you eat! Right after your surgery, stick to a diet consisting of liquids and then gradually add solid foods to your diet.

•    Bleeding is unavoidable in wisdom tooth extraction, so place a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after surgery. In cases of heavy bleeding use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. This is because tannic acid in the tea reduces the size of blood vessels and helps the blood clot set.

•    Limit eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours after surgery.

•    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and touching the wound area after surgery.

•    Take medication every 4 to 6 hours after surgery to eliminate the pain after getting wisdom tooth removal. Usually the pain in the wounded area subsides day by day but if still pain persists, or increases after 36 hours contact your dentist immediately.

•    Using anaesthesia might cause nausea and vomiting, and in such cases stop taking anything by mouth for at least an hour including the prescribed medicine.

Following wisdom tooth extraction, there will be a hole where the tooth was removed but will gradually heal over the next 4-6 weeks with a new tissue. Till then, keep the area clean after meals by rinsing salt-water or toothbrush.