Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Best Tips for a Smooth Recovery after Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Removal of wisdom teeth is beneficial for patients in the long run as the procedure can eliminate problems namely tumours, infections, cysts and others. Being a surgical procedure, patients must go through a recovery period post-surgery. Appropriate self-techniques have to be followed after wisdom teeth removal surgery to prevent further complications in the future.

1.    One of the common conditions encountered by patients is dry sockets. When blood clots fail to form a protective barrier, pain can develop. To control this situation, patients may avoid using straws or give up on cigarettes until full recovery.

2.    The possibilities of infections are high after wisdom teeth removal. Oral surgeons prescribe a course of antibiotic, which when followed lets you stay protected from any sort of infections.

3.    Keeping your mouth clean after wisdom teeth extraction is essential. After surgery, do rinse your mouth gently and regularly. When you get the nod for brushing your teeth, start with gentle brushing techniques to prevent any bleeding.

4.    Age is also a dependant factor for recovery. Older people would have to go through longer recovery period after surgery. This is why most oral surgeons recommend everyone to have their wisdom teeth extracted before they hit 25.

Following the prescribed medications suggested by oral surgeons and getting along with few lifestyle changes after wisdom teeth removal, will help you easily get through the recovery period. Oral surgeons will also help you on proper brushing and flossing techniques to be followed to prevent bleeding & infections.

If you are looking for experienced oral surgeons in Sydney to remove wisdom teeth at affordable rates, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading day surgery clinic in Sydney specialising in Wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or call 1300 260 677

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Top Recovery Tips to Follow Post Oral Surgery

Once oral surgery is done, things don’t end up there. Your body will require adequate time to recover and restore back to a healthy state. After oral surgery, necessary care has to be taken to prevent bleeding and infections. Here are such essential recovery tips provided by the best oral surgeons.

1.    Gum swelling: It is normal to see swelling in gums after surgery.  Place an ice pack on the outside of the surgical area 24 hours post-surgery to prevent or control swelling. You may also experience bruising and muscle stiffness during this time.

2.    Bleeding: You might encounter bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction procedures. Biting on moist black tea bag can be very helpful in controlling bleeding. Oral surgeons also offer tips to control bleeding as well.

3.    Period of Inactivity: It is important to have enough rest during the first two days after surgery. You should not resume or proceed with your routine activities until your surgeon grants you permission for the same.

4.    Smoking & Alcohol Consumptions: Smoking can delay the process of healing, hence oral surgeons suggest you not to smoke or consume alcohol for at least one day after surgery.

5.    Proper Dental Hygiene: Brushing and flossing should be done very gently, especially during the initial 24 hours after surgery. Be informed, intense spitting or rinsing can develop bleeding. Use saline or saltwater for rinsing after 24 hours to keep your incision clean.

6.    Medication: Follow medications as prescribed by your surgeon for a speedy recovery. Even if you notice that your symptoms have gone away soon, do not fail to follow the entire prescription.

Follow these tips as suggested by expert oral surgeons to easily survive through the recovery period. If you are looking for experienced oral surgeons in Sydney, contact Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, a leading day surgery clinic in Sydney specialising in Wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or call 1300 260 677

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Considerations to Choose the Best Oral Surgeon in Sydney

A visit to the dentist usually creates fears and bad memories about painful dental experiences. Researchers have found that millions of people fail to get necessary dental care because they're afraid to go to the dentist. On the other hand, some oral surgeons in Sydney employs advanced dental care procedures to overcome your fear of the dental chair.

While coming to the point of wisdom teeth removal, choosing the right dental surgeon is an important task which should not be compromised. Here is a list of simple tips to choose the best oral surgeon in Sydney.

Experience and expertise is the top most factors to be considered while choosing a dental surgeon. General dentist is capable of performing simple extraction procedure but only an experienced dental surgeon can ensure 100% safe removal.

To understand the depth of the infection, some complex cases of infected wisdom teeth may require CT scans and x-rays. An ideal dental clinic should offer a great facility for the dental surgeon to perform the wisdom teeth removal procedure to ensure a perfect oral health for its patients.

A quality oral surgeon should have completed specific courses and received several awards and accreditations in their specialised areas from the leading associations. This assures patients that they are in the well experienced hands to tackle their dental problem.

Moreover, a professional dental surgeon should be able to prioritise a treatment schedule that helps his patients to distinguish problems needing immediate attention from those that are less urgent. Also, understand the fees, method and schedule of payment before accepting the treatment procedure.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Take Care Tips after Wisdom Teeth Removal

When those third molars begin to affect your oral health having them removed is the smartest decision you can ever make! If you are about to remove your wisdom teeth then don’t get panic. Here are a few aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing following wisdom teeth removal.

•    Start your recovery procedure before the surgery. Talk to your dentist and discuss about the general guidelines that you should follow after wisdom tooth extraction.

•    Watch what you eat! Right after your surgery, stick to a diet consisting of liquids and then gradually add solid foods to your diet.

•    Bleeding is unavoidable in wisdom tooth extraction, so place a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after surgery. In cases of heavy bleeding use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. This is because tannic acid in the tea reduces the size of blood vessels and helps the blood clot set.

•    Limit eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours after surgery.

•    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and touching the wound area after surgery.

•    Take medication every 4 to 6 hours after surgery to eliminate the pain after getting wisdom tooth removal. Usually the pain in the wounded area subsides day by day but if still pain persists, or increases after 36 hours contact your dentist immediately.

•    Using anaesthesia might cause nausea and vomiting, and in such cases stop taking anything by mouth for at least an hour including the prescribed medicine.

Following wisdom tooth extraction, there will be a hole where the tooth was removed but will gradually heal over the next 4-6 weeks with a new tissue. Till then, keep the area clean after meals by rinsing salt-water or toothbrush.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Choose Your Oral Surgeon Carefully

If you have some pain in your mouth that you do not think your dentist can fix, you have the option of going to an oral surgeon to get help. A professional that is licensed to do different kinds of operations or surgeries to correct and remedy oral defects is called an oral surgeon. He treats severe oral problems such as wisdom teeth removal, teeth replacement and more.

If you’re hunting for an oral surgeon in Sydney, you should check if he/she is skilled in the following:

•    Dental Implants

An oral surgeon should be experienced in dental implants. He should be able to reconstruct bone in areas requiring it for implant placement and, when necessary or desired, modify gum tissue around the implants to produce a more natural and attractive appearance.

•    Wisdom Teeth Removal

An oral surgeon should remove impacted and damaged teeth and provide in-office anaesthesia services, including intravenous (IV) sedation and general anaesthesia.

•    Evaluating pathologic conditions

Oral surgeons must be skilled in treating patients with benign cysts and tumours of the mouth and face, as well as people with malignant oral, head and neck cancer, and severe infections of the oral cavity, salivary glands, jaws and neck.

•    Constructive & Cosmetic Surgery

Oral surgeons should have experience in correcting jaw, facial bone and facial soft tissue problems that result from trauma or the removal of cysts and tumours.

•    Corrective Jaw Surgery

Oral surgeons should correct minor and major skeletal and dental jaw irregularities to improve chewing, speaking and breathing. They also surgically correct birth defects of the face and skull, such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

Tips to Choose an Oral Surgeon

•    Your dentist’s recommendation

•    Experience & training

•    Professional membership

•    Practice information

•    Insurance & payment plans

Once you’ve chosen the best oral surgeon in Sydney, go ahead with your dental treatment and bring life to your smile.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gain Some Wisdom on Wisdom Teeth Removal

“A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.” – Herb Caen Quotes

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early 20s. Some people never develop wisdom teeth. For others, wisdom teeth erupt normally just as their other molars did and cause no problems. Sometimes these teeth can be a valuable asset to the mouth when healthy and properly aligned, but more often, they are misaligned and require removal.

When is Wisdom Teeth Removal Needed?

1.    Damage to other teeth

That extra set of molars can push your other teeth around, causing mouth pain and bite problems.

2.    Jaw Damage

Cysts can form around the new teeth. If they aren’t treated, they can hollow out your jaw and damage nerves.

3.    Alignment

Sometimes wisdom teeth can undo the effects of braces, bridges, crowns, partial dentures or any type of dental work.

4.    Cavities

Swollen gums can create pockets between teeth that help bacteria to grow and cavities to form.

5.    Inflamed Gums

Tissue around the area can swell and may be hard to clean.


A wisdom tooth removal is a relatively routine procedure. Your dentist or a dental specialist will recommend either local anaesthesia, if the teeth are erupted, or IV sedation or general anaesthesia, if the teeth are impacted. The oral surgeon will recommend the best anaesthetic option to the person who is having their wisdom teeth extracted.

Wisdom teeth removal procedures are simple minor surgeries which will give you permanent relief from repeated pain and infection.

What Happens Before and After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Finally after deciding to remove your wisdom teeth, you may be curious to know what happens before the wisdom teeth removal and what may occur afterwards. Here’s a brief explanation for your wisdom teeth removal doubts.

Before Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before your wisdom teeth are removed, the teeth and the surrounding tissue will be numbed with a local anaesthetic -- the same type used to numb a tooth prior to having a cavity filled. In addition to the local anaesthetic to numb the pain, your Sydney wisdom teeth removal dentist or oral surgeon may decide that a sedative is desired to control any anxiety. Your dentist will probably recommend that you don't eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery so that you are prepared for the anaesthetic.

After Wisdom Teeth Removal

In most cases, the recovery period lasts only a few days. Take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. The following tips will help speed your recovery.

•    Bite gently on the gauze pad periodically, and change pads as they become soaked with blood. Call your dentist who did wisdom tooth removal in Sydney if you still have bleeding 24 hours after your surgery.

•    While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite the inside of your cheek or lip, or your tongue.

•    Relax after surgery. Physical activity may increase bleeding.

•    Eat soft foods, such as gelatine, pudding, or a thin soup. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as healing progresses.

•    Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery.

•    Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.

•    Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.

Be sure that you follow your wisdom teeth removal dentist’s instructions for a speedy recovery.