Sunday, December 11, 2016

Do You Have Infected Wisdom Teeth? Never Ignore Its Signs and Symptoms

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Most of the people have four wisdom teeth – one in each corner. Wisdom teeth usually grow through the gums during the early twenties or late teens. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, so there isn't always enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. Due to the lack of space, the wisdom teeth can sometimes emerge at an angle or get stuck and only partially emerge. If your wisdom teeth trouble you, then wisdom teeth removal in Sydney will be your best choice.

Do You Have Infected Wisdom Teeth? Never Ignore Its Signs and Symptoms. Have a look at the blog that reveals the need of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. To know more about the symptoms, preventive measures and treatment for wisdom teeth, continue reading….

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Debunking 5 Common Myths on Wisdom Teeth Removal

The amount of trouble posed by wisdom teeth cannot be simply put into words. Wisdom teeth that are impacted brings along a myriad of problems such as infections, pains and more. Fortunately, the field of dentistry has put forward wisdom teeth removal procedures that have helped several patients to resolve this problem.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

However, a few other patients refrain from the treatment simply because of some misbeliefs and myths being spread about the procedure. Have a look at this blog and you’d be surprised to see what you believed wasn’t true after all! Now is the time to change your mind. Continue reading to know more interesting and unknown facts about wisdom teeth removal.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Simple Remedies to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling Pain

Impacted wisdom teeth pose several problems for patients. When they erupt and don’t have enough room to grow, they will start troubling you with pains and becomes a breeding ground for germs, gum disease or oral infection. Out of these effects, wisdom tooth swelling is a phenomenon.

Oral Surgeons in Sydney

Wisdom teeth swelling can be undoubtedly painful and emerges to be a real stressful concern for patients. But fret not! Here are some tips suggested by oral surgeons in Sydney to help alleviate this problem. From maintaining proper oral hygiene and cleaning methods to using warm salt water, check out these essential tips. Read More interesting and useful tips on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling pain

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Preparing yourself for Oral Surgery

Experienced Dental Surgeons

The thought of oral surgery scares most people, but if you know what to expect and how to conduct yourself during the recovery time, you will manage just fine.  In fact, if you follow the instructions given by your surgeon for effective recuperation, you will have a very speedy recovery.  Many times, oral surgery tends to be an outpatient procedure.  It may require general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia, so you need to discuss this with your doctor ahead of time.  In order to be adequately prepared for your surgery, here are a few things to consider.

The Night Prior to Surgery

You will need to start preparing the night before you are to meet your oral surgeon Sydney for the procedure. You should make sure to make arrangements to have someone pick you up after the surgery.  Driving yourself is out of the question since you will be recuperating from the effects of having anaesthesia administered.

It is also expected that you will not eat anything the night before you have to go into surgery.  Many times, it is common to abstain from eating or drinking some 8 to 12 hours before surgery. Diabetics are the exception and are expected to have breakfast to keep their blood sugar stable.  If you are on prescribed medications, be sure to take them on schedule regardless of whether or not you will be going into surgery.

Preparing for After Care

You will need to make sure that you have prepared for your home care after your surgery is done.  It is likely that you will be in bed for a while after the surgery, so be sure to put out extra pillows if you need them so that when you get home, you can be able to recline on the bed.  It may also be a good idea to put a book to read or some magazines on the bedside table.

If you don’t mind having a TV in the bedroom, make sure to set one up so you can watch your favourite shows from the bed.  The best oral surgeon Sydney will tell you that smoking is not just generally bad for your health; it is even worse if you have had an oral surgery.  Avoid smoking because you can cause damage or bleeding to the site of the surgery.

It is pretty common to be swollen at the site of the surgery and around it.  During the first 2 days after having surgery, it is expected that from time to time you will hold up an ice pack to the swollen area for a period of 15 minutes each time.  Give it a 15-minute rest and then put it back. After 24 hours, you will be rinsing your mouth using salt water about 4 times daily even as you take your antibiotics and other medications.

Click Here to know more interesting facts about oral surgery.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oral Surgery – Here’s everything you need to know

Experienced Dental Surgeons

One of the best ways to recover speedily after oral surgery is having enough knowledge and awareness about it. If you know what you’ve to expect in oral surgery, you’d be able to deal with it in a much better manner. Oral surgery, which is performedby experienced oral surgeons, is a procedure that requires general or local anaesthesia.

When you have your initial appointments, talk to your dentist or surgeon about preparation tips and any other question you have. Here’s what you need to know about oral surgery.

What to Prepare before Surgery?

Before your appointment for surgery, you’ll have to make arrangements for transportation to and from the surgeon’s office. This is because you might not be able to drive yourself due to the effects of anaesthesia, hence bring along a friend or a family member who can take you home.

You will also be advised to not have food on the night before surgery. It would usually take eight to ten hours for a typical oral surgery. Diabetic patients are advised to have breakfast and it is also mandatory to have any medical prescriptions both in the morning and evening before surgery.

What would be the healing or recovery period after Surgery?

For the swelling or any discomfort to subside, it would take approximately 48 hours after the surgery. You are supposed to take as much rest as possible and not involve in stressful activities such as heavy lifting or hard workouts. It is after the initial 48 hours period, that you enter the healing phase.

The period of healing would vary depending on the type of oral surgery performed but normally, it would take one to two weeks for complete recovery. In case of jaw, it would take almost a month or more for complete healing.

Foods to Consume

Always rely upon soft foods such as soups and yogurts after oral surgery. These foods not only avoid the need for chewing but are also rich in Vitamin A or C that imparts energy for you. Always keep away from hard and crunchy foods such as popcorn for about six to eight weeks. Hot foods and drinks shall also be avoided.

Facts on Oral Surgery you must know

Here are 5 facts compiled for you to be aware of:

1.    Oral surgery was implemented during the civil war. Union and confederate dentists experimented the procedures on injured soldiers and the first oral surgery was successfully performed at that time.

2.    Certain oral surgeons also perform complicated facial reconstructions and other cosmetic procedures as well. They are mostly expensive than usual procedures.

3.    For oral surgery patients, the expenses shall be covered by combining dental insurance and health insurance.

4.    Oral surgeons can help you if you need a bridge or dental implant.

5.    If you are injured, oral surgeons can perform jaw surgery and replace missing teeth using dental implants as well.

Click Here to know more about oral surgery.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Thursday, September 22, 2016

5 Tips on Post Oral Surgery Care

Recovering from wisdom teeth removal is no fun, but it can be made easier if you follow the care plan offered by your surgeon.  Here are a few considerations for self-caring once the surgery is over:

1.    In the first hour – Now that you have finally had affordable wisdom teeth removal Sydney, you need to begin by gently and firmly biting down on the piece of gauze packing the surgical site so that you ensure that it stays put. You shouldn’t change the gauze within that first hour unless there is a case of uncontrolled bleeding. You will need to keep changing the gauze, preferably every 30 or so minutes.  Moistening it with water can make it more comfortable.

2.    Be careful – On the first day, you want to make sure that the surgical area remains undisturbed. Be sure not to probe the surgical site and you shouldn’t rinse out your mouth vigorously. Brushing your teeth, however, can be done, albeit gently.  During the healing process, you should completely avoid smoking as it retards your healing.  It increases your chances of getting dry sockets and your discomfort as well.

3.    Oral hygiene – Even after cheap wisdom teeth removal Sydney, you still need to keep your mouth clean. This is very important.  Be sure to brush your teeth very gently the first night following surgery but keep the brushing gentle around the site of the surgery.  If the bleeding is just a little, then you should begin rinsing out with salt within 24 hours of surgery.  The mixture should comprise 8 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of salt.  You want to gently swish it around your mouth and then just let the water drip back into the sink.  Do this twice or thrice a day, preferably after you have eaten.

4.    Activities to engage in – On that first day, you are allowed to be a couch potato. Lie on the bed or couch all day.  If you lift, bend or do some other strenuous activity, you will likely increase your pain, swelling and bleeding. If you have been lying down and need to stand, exercise caution because standing up suddenly could lead to light-headedness.  Do not exercise as this could lead to discomfort, swelling and bleeding.  Any exercise should only be commenced after 3 or 4 days.

Pain – Sadly, you will experience some discomfort, but the good news is that the surgeon will have prescribed some pain pills for you.  Prior to the anaesthesia wearing out, be sure to take the first pill because this helps in managing pain later.  There are some patients who experience nausea with strong pain medication.

Click Here to know more about tips on post oral surgery care

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Saturday, September 10, 2016

6 Questions to Ask Before Selecting an Oral Surgeon

If you have a condition that requires the services of an oral surgeon, such as impacted wisdom teeth, you will be required to select one that you can trust.  Unfortunately, you may not know any upfront so you need to search and then ask several qualifying questions.  To begin with, it may be a good idea to ask your regular dentist to recommend an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal Sydney.  You should also ask some of your family and friends and then narrow down your list to the top 3 or so.  Here are some questions that you can ask when you speak to the surgeon:

1. How long has the surgeon been practicing?

You really don’t want to entrust your surgical dental work to an amateur.  Look for someone who has been practicing for a while and has built a practice that is successful through the many years of experience that he or she has.  It is common knowledge that if the oral surgeon has performed wisdom tooth removal Sydney over and over again over the years, he or she will have plenty more expertise to offer borne from experience.

2. What is his training and his clinical experience in the removal of wisdom teeth?

You want to find out about his or her background in this, knowledge about it and also experiences with the same.

3. Does the surgeon belong to any professional dental societies?

If the answer is yes, it may be a good idea to further enquire if the surgeon has been awarded any credible accolades or credentials by the said groups. These are in effect endorsements referring to his or her great work.

4. Is the surgeon taking continuous education?

Since knowledge and medicine are constantly advancing, having a surgeon who is keeping up is important.  Find out which courses he or she has taken and the most recent ones that have been completed. This way, you can be sure that he or she knows the latest technological advances and procedures.

5. What diagnosis has the surgeon made and what treatment plan is he proposing?

This is a question you cannot afford to leave out.  Find out what other options there are to correct the problem or to treat it.  Find out what the pros and cons are both for leaving things as they are and for moving forward with the surgery.

6. What will it cost?

Many times, your insurance may be able to cover your dental costs but sometimes, the treatment may not be covered.  It is important to find out how much it will cost, especially if you will be paying out of pocket.

Click Here to know more about questions to ask before selecting an oral surgeon.

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677