Friday 18 September 2015

What You Need To Know about Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth removal is not an easy procedure. It does cause a lot of pain and it depends on the procedure you undergo that can help you feel no pain or little pain. They are the last teeth to grow around teens or twenties and causes lot of trouble after eruption. Hence, no room is left for them inside the mouth and that’s the time when they start causing problems. This can lead to partial or full facial or gum swelling, infection, bleeding, improper alignment, and many other effects.

Removal of Wisdom teeth is a normal treatment until their roots are tender or in other words, where they are just begin to erupt. This is usually at the age of later teens. But after that age, it becomes difficult to remove it through common surgery as their full grown by that time. After that, complex surgery as well as extraction is needed for wisdom teeth removal from their roots.

The surgery usually takes around a week depending on the severity of the eruptions and other side effects that is caused due to the wisdom teeth. The cost of your surgery depends on many factors that can prove costly or cheap to your budget. Such factors include Dentist’s experience, location of the dentist, your health insurance plan or the type of dental procedure involved in your health plans, your age and the period of your treatment.

The cost of removing them may vary depending on the factors mentioned before. But these do not include hidden costs like X-ray scanning, oral surgery of neighbouring teeth of the wisdom teeth, etc. For affordable removal you can try doing some research tips like making appointments early instead of emergency appointment, covering your surgery cost inside the health insurance, or buying new health insurance that covers the wisdom tooth removal if you don’t have any health insurance at all, taking check on anaesthesia bill before and after surgery and after care treatment is needed to you or not. Look for a dentist around your city or town, or else you can look for another location nearby you where you can get a much cheaper treatment than in your own location. These things can help you to cut down the cost.

If you have a health insurance, then your insurance will surely show you the list of approved dentists under their cover. Many health insurance companies don’t pay if the dentist is not under their recommended list. There are many dentists who offer a discount package on removal four teeth at a time (only good for people having more than two wisdom teeth).

So if you’re looking for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney treatment, you need to do a thorough research about the dentist around or in your city and check your health insurance first to be assured of your expenses to be covered.

Monday 14 September 2015

When is the Right Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom Teeth Removal is one of the many problems faced by people during their early adulthood. Wisdom teeth do not always pose significant problems and a lucky few learn to live with them effortlessly. However for those with erupted teeth and those prone to gum infections must not be ignored.

The simple facts below can guide patients to scheduling their wisdom teeth removal Sydney before the complications intensify.

What is the Right Age for Removal of Wisdom Teeth?

The earlier the removal of wisdom teeth, the easier is the recovery. Wisdom teeth appear between 16-24 years of age and it is recommended to have it removed during the same period. At this stage, the teeth are not formed properly and therefore removal becomes easier and less prone to infection. Since the roots are yet to take shape completely, the procedure is also less painful.

When is the Right Time for the Surgery?

Once the patient has decided to remove the wisdom tooth, the next step is to schedule the surgery at the right time. Surgery requires few days for recovery and therefore patients are recommended to book a slot that can allow them to rest well. The wisdom teeth removal Sydney may cause swelling, bleeding of the wound and even fever in some cases. Patients are recommended to take only soft foods diet till the wound heals. All these factors must be taken into account before choosing the right time to extract the wisdom tooth.

Like any other surgical procedure, wisdom teeth removal also carries a set of risks. Dealing with the process at the right time mitigates risks considerably.

To learn more about Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney, visit

Monday 7 September 2015

Three Tips to Find the Best Oral Surgeon

Choosing the right oral surgeon for your wisdom tooth removal is an important task. Your oral surgeon must be capable of performing procedures with the least chance of risk and must also guide you through the recovery process seamlessly. Listed here are some simple tips that can help you locate the best oral surgeon in Sydney.

Ask for Recommendations

The right person to ask for recommendations is your dentist. Your dentist has complete knowledge about the nature and severity of your dental problems and can therefore recommend a suitable specialist for all your needs. Friends and relatives who have faced oral health issues can also be consulted for recommendations.

Check for Online Reviews

Once you have short listed the popular surgeons, the internet may be used to learn more about their services, area of specialisation, nature of working and customer reviews. Memberships in professional organisations and established research in any particular area of work are indicators of the surgeon’s reliability and expertise.

Look for a Specialist

It is highly recommended to look for surgeons who are specialised in the required problem area. This helps patients to be assured of letting well experienced hands tackle their case. Surgeons specialised in any particular area of oral hygiene will be in the best position to render first-hand information and guidelines to patients.

To put it in a nutshell, patients looking to work with the right dental surgeon must not base their decisions on the money factor alone. Detailed research and analysis is mandatory before patients entrust their smile with someone.

Monday 31 August 2015

Four Questions That Every Patient Asks After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removal of the infected wisdom tooth is essential for complete oral hygiene. Sufficient rest and precaution after the removal process is recommended to speed up the recovery process. Here are some important questions that every patient seeks answers to after the wisdom teeth extraction Sydney.

What to Eat After the Dental Surgery?

After surgery, patients may start nourishment through liquid food. Food that is easy to chew may also be taken by chewing away from the affected site. No meals must be skipped and diet must contain high protein items. Fluid intake must be increased to feel hydrated and full.

Is Nausea A Common Post-Surgery Symptom?

Nausea and vomiting are side effects of the IV sedation and other medications administered during surgery. It takes over an hour for nausea to subside after which patients are recommended to take few sips of tea or ginger ale to feel better. Patients must sip their drink without using a straw as suction can cause oral bleeding.

What Oral Practices Must One Take Up After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

It is generally recommended to keep the mouth as clean as possible after surgery. Do not practice vigorous brushing or rinsing for few days after the procedure. Gargling warm water with salt helps prevent any risks of infection.

What Pain Management Measures Can Be Followed Post-Surgery?

It is important to note that every patient is different and therefore the degree of pain may also vary. It is recommended to discuss the same with the dental surgeon and also adhere to the different doses of medicines as prescribed by him. Under normal circumstances, pain decreases gradually with every passing day. Any sudden spurt of pain demands immediate medical attention.

For more details on Wisdom Teeth Extraction Sydney, visit

Monday 24 August 2015

Factors Affecting Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

Wisdom teeth removal is undoubtedly an expensive affair. In order to find the most suitable surgeon without compromising on the cost, patients must first understand the various factors that determine the cost of wisdom teeth removal. These include,

Extraction Process

The extraction process is of two types, soft tissue extraction and hard tissue extraction. The latter applies to cases where the teeth has been deeply rooted into the jaw bone and is a more complicated process. Hard tissue extraction is more time consuming and expensive that the soft tissue procedure.

Condition of the Wisdom Tooth

For a simple extraction process of the wisdom tooth, there are no additional costs involved. However if the affected tooth is chipped or impacted, the procedure becomes expensive. Teeth that are located closer to the main veins in the oral region must be extracted only by specialist surgeons. This again increases the cost of the procedure.

Overhead Costs

Overhead costs such as dental X-rays, CT scan of the jaw in complex cases and cost of anaesthesia must also be considered. Local anaesthetic procedures are less expensive than the ones that demand sedatives and general anaesthesia.

Insurance Coverage

Choosing a dentist who is a provider under the same insurance as that of the patient is important. This helps control out-of-the-pocket expenses considerably.


Location of the Surgeon

Wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney varies from one state to another. Remote areas generally charge patients more due to lower accessibility to resources. It is therefore recommended to avail the service in bigger cities.  To learn more about Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Sydney, visit