Friday, August 20, 2021

What are the signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth and when to extract them?

 wisdom teeth removal Sydney

If you are in the teens, you may have seen the erupting wisdom teeth, your third set of molars. These are the final set of teeth to come in. While most of us have four, some have only two, and others have none. They are nicknamed ‘wisdom teeth’ as they come into the mouth when you grow and supposedly grow wise. These teeth mostly grow struck because we don't have adequate space to hold all four. If you are enduring some specific changes in the mouth, you might wonder if you have wisdom teeth. Yet, only the dentist can verify if that is your molar that causes problems and if you need wisdom teeth removal Sydney.

Do they bother? 
Not regularly, but seldom they do. Impacted wisdom teeth, although they become impacted, they don't pose pain every time. They reside silent and push neighbouring teeth ending in a misaligned bite. Impacted teeth may cause pain when the gum around them get affected and swell due to bacterial buildup. When neglected, they can expand to the nearby teeth, where your dentist will recommend affordable wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney

The dentist will further recommend regular dental appointments to monitor the wisdom teeth once you enter your teens.

What are the symptoms of your Impacted molar?
Reddened or Swollen Gums: 
Increased gum sensitivity around the wisdom teeth region can be seen, and these are the first signs of the erupting wisdom teeth.

The gums may also bleed while you floss and clean. However, be aware that these are also the signs of gum disease, so see your dentist promptly when you see blood while you brush in the morning.

Struggle Opening The Jaw:
Not only your gums swell, but they also become painful to open and close your mouth when the wisdom tooth starts erupting. The pain might be mild in the beginning and may become intense with time. 

For some people, the pain may also come and go in phases, like they may feel discomfort only for a few days. 

Bad Breath:
As the wisdom teeth start to erupt because they are located in the farthest end of the mouth, they are challenging to clean, which results in bacterial accumulation in the gums that results in an unpleasant odour in the mouth—biting and chewing also become an excruciating task when they are left unnoticed.

There are many other signs like headaches, swollen glands in the neck and shoulders. Every single person is different and experiences different signs from others. Here we have addressed some of the common symptoms that may indicate your wisdom tooth eruption. You may experience various symptoms from the discussed ones. It is wise to consult with your dentist to check your Wisdom Teeth Sydney to ensure if they may cause possible problems in the future and if you will require removal.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Should Everyone remove their Wisdom Teeth? Here’s Your Answer

Wisdom Teeth Temoval Sydney

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that appear at the back of your mouth, usually after the rest of your teeth has erupted and grown. Several people believe that wisdom teeth removal is mandatory for all, but that's not the case. While some people experience symptoms such as pain, discomfort, teeth crowding and more, others wouldn't encounter any of it at all. So, when is wisdom teeth removal in Sydney necessary? Here's what you need to know:

When is Wisdom Teeth a Problem?

After a wisdom tooth erupts, it should have the space to fully grow in your mouth. If the tooth doesn't have enough room to develop properly, it'll start effecting the nearby teeth by growing at an angle. You may also experience the following:

•    The tooth only erupts partially through the gums, which causes bacterial infection and gum disease.
•    The wisdom tooth remains hidden in the gums, which could possibly damage the roots of the nearby teeth.
•    The tooth erupts fully, but by growing at an angle, it results in teeth crowding and damage.

In these situations, a dental professional will recommend removing the wisdom teeth in Sydney as soon as possible. Wisdom teeth removal is usually suggested at a young age before the jawbone and teeth fully develop.

When is Wisdom Teeth NOT a Problem?

There’s a common belief that everybody needs to remove their wisdom teeth, but that is not true. The third and final set of molars usually appear during the late teens or early 20s. If your wisdom teeth erupts and it has sufficient space in your mouth to grow as intended, it will not cause any problem to your neighbouring teeth. Wisdom teeth removal is not necessary in the following cases:

•    Wisdom teeth grow and remain healthy.
•    Brushing and flossing wisdom teeth is effortless.
•    Wisdom tooth positions correctly and doesn’t affect the neighbouring teeth.

You would not experience pain or oral health problems if the wisdom teeth erupt and grow just like your other teeth.

Why Should You Remove Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

An expert recommends impacted wisdom teeth removal in Sydney due to the following reasons:

•    It will cause damage to your nearby teeth. You would experience pain, overcrowding, and bite problems.
•    Impacted wisdom teeth can affect your jaw and mouth.
•    When the wisdom teeth erupt at an angle, it could lead to swelling of gums or gum inflammation.
•    Impacted wisdom teeth can also affect your sinuses. Patients would likely experience sinus pain and congestion.

If you want to know whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary for you, consult with an expert and they will give you the answer. For any questions regarding the wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, talk to a professional today.