Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Considerations to Choose the Best Oral Surgeon in Sydney

A visit to the dentist usually creates fears and bad memories about painful dental experiences. Researchers have found that millions of people fail to get necessary dental care because they're afraid to go to the dentist. On the other hand, some oral surgeons in Sydney employs advanced dental care procedures to overcome your fear of the dental chair.

While coming to the point of wisdom teeth removal, choosing the right dental surgeon is an important task which should not be compromised. Here is a list of simple tips to choose the best oral surgeon in Sydney.

Experience and expertise is the top most factors to be considered while choosing a dental surgeon. General dentist is capable of performing simple extraction procedure but only an experienced dental surgeon can ensure 100% safe removal.

To understand the depth of the infection, some complex cases of infected wisdom teeth may require CT scans and x-rays. An ideal dental clinic should offer a great facility for the dental surgeon to perform the wisdom teeth removal procedure to ensure a perfect oral health for its patients.

A quality oral surgeon should have completed specific courses and received several awards and accreditations in their specialised areas from the leading associations. This assures patients that they are in the well experienced hands to tackle their dental problem.

Moreover, a professional dental surgeon should be able to prioritise a treatment schedule that helps his patients to distinguish problems needing immediate attention from those that are less urgent. Also, understand the fees, method and schedule of payment before accepting the treatment procedure.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Take Care Tips after Wisdom Teeth Removal

When those third molars begin to affect your oral health having them removed is the smartest decision you can ever make! If you are about to remove your wisdom teeth then don’t get panic. Here are a few aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing following wisdom teeth removal.

•    Start your recovery procedure before the surgery. Talk to your dentist and discuss about the general guidelines that you should follow after wisdom tooth extraction.

•    Watch what you eat! Right after your surgery, stick to a diet consisting of liquids and then gradually add solid foods to your diet.

•    Bleeding is unavoidable in wisdom tooth extraction, so place a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after surgery. In cases of heavy bleeding use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. This is because tannic acid in the tea reduces the size of blood vessels and helps the blood clot set.

•    Limit eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours after surgery.

•    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and touching the wound area after surgery.

•    Take medication every 4 to 6 hours after surgery to eliminate the pain after getting wisdom tooth removal. Usually the pain in the wounded area subsides day by day but if still pain persists, or increases after 36 hours contact your dentist immediately.

•    Using anaesthesia might cause nausea and vomiting, and in such cases stop taking anything by mouth for at least an hour including the prescribed medicine.

Following wisdom tooth extraction, there will be a hole where the tooth was removed but will gradually heal over the next 4-6 weeks with a new tissue. Till then, keep the area clean after meals by rinsing salt-water or toothbrush.