Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wisdom teeth – Causes, problems and prevention

The growth and existence of wisdom teeth is inevitable in anyone’s life. One can get rid of these final set of molars only when they are in their early twenties. For some, wisdom teeth in Sydney grows and stays, without causing any trouble just like other normal teeth, while for some others they become a nightmare. What actually makes wisdom teeth in Sydney troublesome and how can we prevent it from being impacted by such issues? Read on to learn more.

Causes of Wisdom teeth Problems

The trouble comes by the fact that, being the last set of teeth to grow in your mouth, it doesn’t have adequate space to get through, leading to its growth only partially. A wisdom tooth gets impacted if it doesn’t have enough room to erupt and stay. Post eruption, it would stay at an inclined angle instead of staying upright, resulting into pains and discomforts being experienced.

When a wisdom teeth in Sydney is impacted, there lays a covering of gum over it. The persistence of this coating makes it problematic for us to clean the tooth, promoting growth of bacteria. This gives rise to a situation of gum inflammation, called Pericoronitis, which when prevailed for a long time makes it vital for removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney.

The Problems

Pains and discomfort are the primary problems associated with an impacted wisdom tooth. These impacted wisdom teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay. This is because, the food we consume can get around the gum and is difficult to get those teeth cleaned from them. Moreover, they are also likely to be affected by gum diseases and also stimulate the growth of seldom, cysts and various others around the tooth.


Following and maintaining basic oral hygiene methods, can prevent the adverse impacts of wisdom teeth. A cleaner area will lessen the chance for Pericoronitis to occur. Follow proper methods of brushing and flossing regularly and use mouthwashes or toothpastes containing fluoride. Also visit your dentist to detect any sort of possible symptoms.

Act before it’s too late. Visiting a dentist can help you get rid of problems due to wisdom teeth in Sydney and schedule removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney at the right time, if necessary.