Wednesday, July 19, 2017

6 Common Things You Ought to Know Before Removing Your Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth are often removed from teens and adults alike. Wisdom teeth are frequently extracted to provide enough space for rest of the teeth. In dependent of the cost wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is not that easy, particularly if they show their presence known with pain and swelling. Extraction can be painful so you should know what to do when they start coming out.

The common problem with the wisdom teeth is that they often grow in a wrong way. This means that the wisdom teeth becomes severely misaligned, pushing the tooth next to it. This condition caused bad teeth formation and many other dental problems. Thus the cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is the suitable treatment for this condition and it prevents the further deformation of the nearby teeth.

1. Extraction depends on their position:

It would be easier to remove, if the wisdom teeth get erupted completely from your gum. Problem arises when the root of your wisdom teeth is connected to the jawbone and deeply rooted into your gum. In this case, the dentist needs to cut the gum and remove the tooth that is connected to the jawbone. It may seems to be scary, but don’t worry because dentist will use anesthesia during this procedure.

2. Will you feel any pain?

Since your teeth and the gum will be numbed prior to the wisdom teeth removal procedure, you may experience a minimal or almost no pain during the wisdom teeth extraction surgery. Also the dentist may decide whether to give a sedating medication to remove your anxiety.

3. How fast can you recover from the procedure?

The recovery time for affordable wisdom teeth removal in Sydney may depend on the difficulty of the extraction and your age. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication to reduce the discomfort caused during the wisdom teeth removal procedure.

4. Expect some facial swelling.

You can expect some swelling on your face near the wisdom teeth extraction site. To reduce your facial swelling you can cold compress and hold it on the site as long as you can withstand the cold.

5. When to call your dentist?

Each day after the extraction, you will experience improvements, but you need to contact your dentist if any of the following symptoms occur:

•    If swelling gets worse.

•    If you experience excessive bleeding.

•    If you go through throbbing pain three to four days after the extraction.

•    If you have an elevated fever.

6. When can you expect complete healing?

Again it depends on the difficulties related to your surgery or extraction. Typically, it ranges from a few weeks to a number of months. Within the first week after the wisdom teeth removal, you will experience a considerable improvement in the healing process on the surgical site. The healing process will make you feel comfortable and you will be able to eat your normal foods.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Useful Tips to Clean Your Teeth after Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Through post-operative care is essential after getting your wisdom teeth removed by a professional to ensure a full and speedy recovery. Without proper cleaning and maintenance, you could end up with an infection or painful inflammation known as "dry socket". Many recent reports have reported that dry socket occurs in about 20% of lower wisdom teeth extractions without proper care. So, it’s essential to make sure you take extra precautions after your wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. Follow the below procedure at least a week after your wisdom teeth removal for quick recovery and effective results.

Replace Gauze at Regular Intervals

After the wisdom teeth removal, your dentist will place a gauze pad over the surgical site to minimise bleeding. Change this gauze pad every 30-45 minutes and apply gentle pressure. If there is a constant bleeding from the site even after 24 to 48 hours of surgery, then contact your dentist to undertake immediate precautions.

Don’t Brush on the First Day after Surgery

Always remember, the first 24 hours after the surgery are very important for the healing process. So, avoid brushing your teeth, rinsing or washing your mouth for the first day after surgery. Doing so can disrupt the healing process and lead to conditions such as dry socket or infection. Undertaking such cleaning measures disturb the stitches or interfere with blood clotting which may lead to severe infection.

Do Not Disturb the Surgical Site for 3 Days

Avoid brushing the surgical area for the first 3 days after wisdom teeth removal in Sydney but rinse out your mouth with a cup of warm water and a pinch of salt to avoid accumulation of bacteria. After rinsing, do not spit the saline water because this could disturb the surgical area and may lead to dislodging of blood clot. Instead, tilt your head from side to side to allow the water to wash the area and then to the side to allow it to drain.

Brush the Other Teeth Gently

Resume brushing your teeth very gently after one of wisdom teeth removal and beware not to touch the surgical site by any chance. While brushing your teeth, only use soft bristled brush and small circular motions to clean your teeth. Avoid spitting out toothpaste, instead rinse away using saline water and allow the rinse to drain by tilting your head to the side.

Watch for Infections

Following the instructions provided by your dentist in a disciplinary manner and maintaining your teeth and mouth clean avoids the risk of infection. Though, look for the signs of infections to avoid post-operative complications.

If you experience swallowing or breathing, have a fever, find pus near the surgery site or have swelling that worsens then call your dentist immediately to fix the issues and enable quick recovery after Sydney wisdom teeth removal.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Finding an Affordable Wisdom Tooth Removal Clinic in Sydney

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney can be anything between AU$150 and AU$900. The exact price will depend on your exact situation, the procedures that need to be done and the clinic you are visiting. While affordability should be your first criteria in getting your wisdom tooth extracted, you certain can find a cost effective treatment with little research.

There are several factors that determine the range of complexity a procedure carries. Consequently, it is best to start with an initial assessment of your situation. The best clinics will have your medical history reviewed, x-rays taken, Medicare/dental insurance policies accounted and consequently give you a quote on cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

Understanding the basic costs

Cost of hospitalization and anaesthesia: In most cases, tooth extraction is done under localized anaesthesia. There are again two categories to it – IV sedation and general anaesthesia. Consequently, you should be prepared to pay for the cost of the anaesthetist and additional fees for hospitalization if necessary.

The cost of hospitalization will vary depending on the type of clinic you have approached. Government clinics will always be way cheaper than private practices.

Putting your insurance into use

IV sedation is mostly encouraged by about 85% rebate in popular clinics – government run and private in Sydney. You might also look for deals with the anaesthetics and in some cases; you wouldn’t have to spend anything from your own pockets. A little research can help you find cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney that accompanies a high quality treatment. You initial consultation with the clinic representative should help you understand the financing options and payment plans entertained. However, cost of treatment should never be an excuse to delay your wisdom teeth treatment. It is not hard finding a clinic that’s accommodating when it comes to costs. The only thing you need to do is look out for one.

Why is wisdom teeth removal so important?

Wisdom teeth removal should be treated like a medical emergency. It is the last teeth that grow as we reach our adult hood. Sometimes, they create an issue due to lack of space or already infected and weak gums. New age treatment procedures will be able to diagnose the root cause of the pain instantly and you will not have to wait too long before the pain is addressed. Wisdom teeth removal becomes necessary if:

✓ They cause damage to the existing teeth
✓ Damage the nerves around your gums
✓ Cause congestion or sinus pain
✓ Swollen gums and tissues
✓ Cavity formation
✓ Teeth crowding and alignment mismatch

Find an affordable wisdom teeth removal service in Sydney today to address your problem whenever it chooses to show up.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Friday, February 24, 2017

Symptoms and Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Might Need a Removal!!

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth are located both on the top and bottom of your mouth, at the very back, and they are the third molar from the front. Since these teeth generally emerge during 17 to 21 years of age, or old enough to have a certain amount of “wisdom”, they are called Wisdom Teeth. In some person, wisdom teeth develop properly and they don’t need that to be extracted. While many others might experience a poor alignment of wisdom teeth or don’t have enough space in the mouth, then there is a need for undergoing an affordable wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Signs Your Wisdom Teeth need to Be Removed

When wisdom teeth emerge, they break through the gums, causing a flap of tissue to grow over them. While having your food, it can be trapped in this flap and a serious infection may occur, which in turn might result in a requirement of surgical procedure. Also wisdom teeth should be removed

•    If they grow facing the wrong direction or crooked

•    If the jaw is not large enough to accommodate it

•    If there is no enough space in your mouth.

If your mouth does not have enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow, then the teeth possibly will find it difficult to break through the gums and may become impacted, which results in compulsory extraction of  wisdom teeth. If you are unable to clean the wisdom teeth, then your wisdom teeth may begin to decay, oftentimes resulting in cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

Symptoms That Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Extracted

In general, wisdom teeth that are to be extracted do not have any noticeable or serious symptoms. But in some conditions, the teeth may show obvious signs that they cannot grow properly. These symptoms include

•    Crowding of other teeth

•    Severe pain or jaw stiffness near the impacted tooth

•    Feel discomfort when the teeth rub against your cheek

•    Gum disease or tooth decay near the back of your mouth

•    Irritation or pain from a tooth growing in at an awkward angle

•    Swelling in the flap of gum tissue located in the back of the mouth due to infection

Generally, these symptoms may occur during 15 to 25 years of age. Rarely, over the age of 30 require wisdom teeth removal.

Get Dentist Advice

If you experience the above mentioned symptoms, you can get advice from your dentist. During diagnosis they will take X-Rays that helps to determine whether your wisdom teeth are moving, and if the alignment will allow the wisdom teeth to grow in safely.

If your dentist suspects that your wisdom teeth are growing in and don’t have enough room or if they are growing at an improper alignment, then the dentist will recommend wisdom teeth removal by an oral surgeon. Even though you may only experience symptoms for any one of your four wisdom teeth, oral surgeons usually recommend that all the four wisdom teeth need to be extracted at the same time, to save costly procedures later.

Click Here to know more about wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

A Little about Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery:

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery is a leading Day Surgery Clinic limited to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney. They have a great facility for Experienced Dental Surgeons and Oral Surgeons to perform wisdom teeth extractions with affordable pre-established fees. To know more, visit or Call 1300 260 677

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sports & Physical Activity Limitations after Oral Surgery

best oral surgeon in Sydney

After an oral surgery, everyone have a question that how longer they should be away from their sports and physical activities. Any activity that causes increased heart rate or blood pressure can cause some oozing from the oral surgery site. Avoid strenuous activity for 48-72 hours after an oral surgery. It depends upon what kind of sports/physical activity, how long ago was the oral surgery done by best oral surgeon in Sydney.

Your Oral surgeon in Sydney can give you the best answer. The blog “Sports & Physical Activity Limitations after Oral Surgery” can get you know more info about the limitations and the gradual approaches for physical activities and sports after an oral surgery. Read more….

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Do You Have Infected Wisdom Teeth? Never Ignore Its Signs and Symptoms

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Most of the people have four wisdom teeth – one in each corner. Wisdom teeth usually grow through the gums during the early twenties or late teens. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, so there isn't always enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. Due to the lack of space, the wisdom teeth can sometimes emerge at an angle or get stuck and only partially emerge. If your wisdom teeth trouble you, then wisdom teeth removal in Sydney will be your best choice.

Do You Have Infected Wisdom Teeth? Never Ignore Its Signs and Symptoms. Have a look at the blog that reveals the need of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. To know more about the symptoms, preventive measures and treatment for wisdom teeth, continue reading….

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Debunking 5 Common Myths on Wisdom Teeth Removal

The amount of trouble posed by wisdom teeth cannot be simply put into words. Wisdom teeth that are impacted brings along a myriad of problems such as infections, pains and more. Fortunately, the field of dentistry has put forward wisdom teeth removal procedures that have helped several patients to resolve this problem.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

However, a few other patients refrain from the treatment simply because of some misbeliefs and myths being spread about the procedure. Have a look at this blog and you’d be surprised to see what you believed wasn’t true after all! Now is the time to change your mind. Continue reading to know more interesting and unknown facts about wisdom teeth removal.